Judge orders that Tesha Miller be charged or released from custody

April 20, 2017
Tesha Miller

Parish judge Vaughn Smith has ordered that reputed gangster Tesha Miller be charged by 6 p.m. today or be released from custody.

Attorney-at-law Able-Don Foote made an application in the Kingston and St. Andrew Parish Court today for Miller to be released. 

“I submitted that the continued detention is unlawful and that he has been in custody since April 4. Section 22 of the Bail Act says that a person should not be kept in custody without being charged,”  Foote said.

Police late last August listed Miller as a person of interest, claiming he can assist with investigations into several murders recorded in Spanish Town and Portmore in St Catherine.

After eluding local police for nearly seven months, Miller was found in The Bahamas last month and deported to Jamaica on April 4.

When he appeared in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court Tuesday, Miller was fined $100 for breaching the Immigration act. The police indicated, at the time, that there was an endorsement on his file in relation to the Anti-Gang Act.

Miller underwent lengthy questioning from cops on Wednesday but was not charged with committing any offence.