Patrons observe dress code at Black Stain

November 18, 2016
Birthday boy Fidel 'SquadYard' Sutherland is swarmed by the ladies.
These friends were all smiles as they struck a pose.
This patron was certainly in the mood as she did 'Hot Up'.
Fidel 'SquadYard' Sutherland is joined by a beautiful guest.
Friends having a good time during the party.
The Sassy and Sexy girls crew share lens space.
Fidel 'SquadYard' Sutherland (left) poses with his lady friend.

Fidel 'SquadYard' Sutherland was on a high as he celebrated his birthday with family, friends and promoters at Sparkles Lounge on Studio One Boulevard in Cross Roads recently.

The ladies rushed to the side of the birthday boy as the paparazzi flashed away.

The party, dubbed Black Stain, had a large number of patrons, most of whom observed the full black dress code.

Music was provided by Ricky T and Little Shabba, who certainly pleased the well-dressed female patrons who kicked off their high heels to dance to the latest songs. They were later joined by their male counterparts, bringing the energy at the party up a few notches.

As the party came to a close Fidel 'SquadYard' Sutherland and the SquadYard Family thanked patrons for attending and encouraged them to attend their next event Lipstick N Heelz  that will be held on February 24.



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