Keiva, Shelly Belly dance with 'The People Paper'

November 24, 2016
Keiva dances at Spice's birthday party in 2008.
Dancer Shelly Belly entertains at a party.
In this 2009 file photo, Dancer Shelly Belly was up to his usual antics.
Shelly Belly shows off his fashion sense in this 2007 photo.
Dancer Keiva
Shelly Belly in his younger days.
In this 2005 file photo, Keiva dances up a storm at a party.

For its 65th anniversary, two of Jamaica's most memorable dancers decided to take a look back, and they agree that THE STAR has been a mainstay in dancehall and has assisted with many careers.

When THE STAR contacted veteran dancers Keiva and Shelly Belly, they both said they got their big break in THE STAR.

"The first time I got a write-up from THE STAR - that was a long time ago!" Keiva said, laughing, during a telephone, interview.

"That time I was living with my parents. I think I just left school."

Keiva recalls visiting THE STAR at the behest of STAR reporters.

"Back then, we didn't have phones! I had to ride my bicycle straight from Drewsland to THE STAR."

Keiva said she was filled with pride when she saw herself in print for the first time.

"I was very excited! My picture was there. The interview was there. The whole community came out to see me in the paper. For me, THE STAR has done a lot for me, and I'm very grateful," she said.

Fresh from a six-week tour in Europe, promoting his single, Shelly Belly had similar problems recalling his first feature in THE STAR.

"A long time STAR a feature mi," he said with a chuckle. " So mi nah guh memba dat, but it help me a lot because a nuh everybody come out in the party and see what a gwaan. It's a lot. That means it's doing good out there."

Though unable to remember his first appearance, Shelly Belly does recall the last. "Mi jus' come out inna THE STAR with Bounty and Sanjay," he said.

Shelly Belly recently concluded a European tour, which saw him hosting parties, doing performances, and doing workshops with media personality Sanjay Ramanand. The two have also collaborated with Bounty Killer on their new single, Tek Ova.

"STAR nuh jus feature you every minute. You have to be doing some good things or great things. I think STAR feature mi now because of the six-week Europe tour," he said.

Keiva said she would be forever grateful for the help she has received from the publication.

"THE STAR is my paper," Keiva said. "THE STAR takes you places, places you never dreamed to go. I've never had a problem with THE STAR, never felt disrespected. Whenever THE STAR calls me for an interview, I try to find the time. Whenever [they] are doing anything on dancing, they interview me. The respect is there, so I always find the time. If you check, it's the only paper I follow! THE STAR love Keiva, so Keiva love THE STAR. THE STAR all the way."

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