Ding Dong, Ravers, Revs Up Yeng Yeng Fridayz

February 13, 2017
Ding Dong (right) and Romeich.
Marvin the Beast puts the moves on this Japanese dancer.
Anthony Minott/Freelance Photographer Patrons blaze a fire during Ding Dong's Yeng Yeng Fridayz


Ding Dong and his Ravers dancers created quite a stir in Nannyville on Friday night, with a brand new party dubbed: Ding Dong's Yeng Yeng Fridayz at Ravers Corner.

When The STAR team visited the party, it was already in high gear, as patrons revelled in excitement, while high rollers and bikers peaked the interest of onlookers.

Another highlight of the party was when selector Boom Boom called dancer Marvin The Beast and a Japanese woman to the stage, and he proceeded to perform his usual antics, much to the delight of the crowd. He gyrated on her before slamming her to a fence, leaving many who witnessed it in awe.

"The vibe is crazy and it's getting bigger and bigger each week," said Ding Dong.

"The setting is very high and boasy for a weekly event and the patrons loving it. Security and parking is always on point and the guest selectors and the resident selectors are doing a great job each week," he added.

He offered big ups to Ravers Clavers, the Nannyville crew, Texas, Gola and sponsors, Guinness, Guanrana, Smirnoff, and Romeich Wear.

"Ding Dong Yeng Yeng Fridayz is the place to be every Friday, it's where you will find the stars," said Ding Dong.

Music was provided by the likes of Boom Boom, Dutty Dada and DJ Dell. Fans are now anticipating the next staging.

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