Girls flock Wata Land

June 17, 2017
DHQ Sher
Carlos Go Hard (left) and dancer Cuban share a light moment.
These three were out having a grand time.
Dolly Body (right) and a friend show off their bodies.
This woman was all smiles for THE STAR.
This hot number took time out from dancing to take a picture.
Since it was a water party, these women had no choice but to get wet.
Dancer DHQ Sher (second left) and her crew pause for a photo.
This hottie was not short of attention in the eye-catching sheer outfit.
Renee 6:30 certainly popped with her pink hair.
This diva was seen promoting an event.

The ladies were out in their numbers to get a piece of the action during Smirnoff Wata Land, which that was held at Chelsea Avenue in New Kingston recently.

The dancers were out in full force, including Marvin The Beast and his girlfriend, DHQ Nickeisha. Other well-known figures in the dance industry, such as DHQ Sher, Renee 6:30, and Cuban also showed their support at the event.

Marvin told the crowd that he had to get on an emergency flight out of the United States with a price tag of US$1,300 (J$168,297) just to make it to Jamaica in time for the event.

"The vibes was right, and the atmosphere was one that is befitting of a party of this nature," said Carlos Go Hard, one of the promoters of the event.

And when it was announced that the plug was about to be pulled on the event, the women objected.

"Seriously, after I don't start wine up myself yet," one female said while dancing.

THE STAR was there, so here are some highlights from the event.

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