Sex sells - stripper defends raunchy dancehall videos

June 21, 2017
Kyla Coco De Thick

Controversial stripper/businesswoman Kyla 'Coco De Thick' believes dancehall is right on schedule with the ongoing wave of heavily sexed music and video productions being released by artistes.

"Sex sells, so I support artistes who are doing sex scenes in videos. I have a video with Demarco and I also did a nude photo shoot with him. I will not disclose how much we as strippers are paid to go in dancehall videos nude, but it's a decent amount of money ... it is not cheap," she said.

The stripper also encouraged dancehall artistes to seek the services of professional strippers instead of opting for promotional girls.




"We are more sexy and hardcore and sexual. I am in the 'stripping field', so it's better than using a promotional girl because they only dance, and it's not really sexy," she said.

Kyla recently uploaded a video on Instagram which appeared to show her taking part in sexual activities to the tune of Dexta Daps' Owner with an unknown man.

The video was met with backlash by some viewers. However, there were those who supported the stripper and further encouraged the act.

Kyla said she was not performing actual sex, despite being entirely nude. The controversial sex video has been viewed over 27,000 times.

She said she was simply promoting her brand, which heavily relies on sexual gratification.

"(It is) something like the Dexta Daps song and it will be on YouTube ... it seems like real sex, but it's not. The male in the video chose the song and he is an actor," she said.

As for her strong sexual content on social media, the stripper noted that she is not worried about losing her page for nudity breaches, since it will be returned eventually.

"I lost my page recently for a few days, but I got it back; people know me already, so it doesn't matter," she said.

Kyla also recently received a tongue-lashing from her critics after she told THE STAR that she would be selling her used panties on

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