Nyla embraces pregnancy

October 23, 2017

As an entertainer, Nyla, whose real name is Nailah Thorbourne, of Brick and Lace has managed to maintain a discreet private life. But the sexy roots singer has recently given into the pressures of social media by making her pregnancy public.

"I am usually a very private person, so putting it all out there was a bit out of character for me. But I felt like this is a wonderful time in my life, and that my fans (both new and old) would want to share in that. After all, it is natural," Nyla told THE STAR.

The singjay's official Instagram announcement came five days after posting a meme that showed the comparison between a flat-tummy doll figure before Hurricane Irma and the pregnant version after the storm. The caption read: "No, it's not a cheeseburger (laughing out loud)."

"I wanted my IG fam and fans to share in this joyous time with me. I was nervous because in the entertainment business, this is a bit of a no-no. Well, I am a woman on a new journey, and this will not stop me from continuing to pursue my biggest dreams and aspirations. Women should not feel ashamed of what we were meant and created to do. I am so thrilled at this time in my life, and I know I will only become better for it," she told THE STAR.

Nyla explained that she expected negative feedback, having only recently embarked on a solo recording career, but the excitement of her first pregnancy overshadowed the thoughts.

Nonetheless, the baby bump was visible in a photo of her at the Swim Miami Fashion Show in July. Despite Nyla's outfit - a sleeveless, metallic almost-see-through dress over white shorts - there were no questions regarding the weight gain from prying followers.

"I have managed to keep things quiet, probably to my detriment. But we live in a world now where sharing your every moment is the norm, especially if you're in the entertainment industry. Actually if you're promoting or selling anything, it's a necessary evil. I think living in Florida has allowed me to maintain some form of normalcy," Nyla said.

The Light It Up artiste has not shared any information regarding the father of her little bundle of joy. And while she did not state the due date or the sex of the child in her interview with THE STAR, a few of Nyla's friends have posted the name chosen for the baby that clues in that she is expecting a boy. Nyla has also posted replies on Instagram, suggesting that the baby will arrive in December.

She also told THE STAR that while she probably would not be comfortable with her child choosing a career in entertainment in Jamaica, she would support 'him'.

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