Check Up: Can egg whites help her skin?

September 17, 2018

Ismeda is 42 and asks Check Up if using an egg white face mask at home can remove crow's feet beside her eyes and generally tighten her facial skin.

She has been trying this at home recently but is unsure of the results.

Eggs have a lot of protein and protein is really good nourishment for the body and skin. An egg white mask can offer a number of benefits without the harsh side effects sometimes experienced with the use of skin agents like Retinol.

It can help reduce the fine lines and wrinkles associated with ageing, as well as it can help treat acne vulgaris and hyperpigmentation.

Egg white contains both collagen and protein and when applied as a mask, it will help the skin improve and maintain its elasticity and lessen the wrinkles.

The egg white collagen actually fills in the wrinkles on the face. The real problem is that the collagen and protein do not penetrate the facial skin deeply and, so its effect is temporary and, therefore, the mask would need to be used repeatedly.

People who have sensitive skin shouldn't use the egg white mask as the egg white contains vitamin A and can cause breakouts.

Also, if prescribed facial products are also being used then use of the egg face mask should be discussed with your doctor.

To use the face mask, separate two egg whites from the yolks and whisk the whites until frothy. Liberally, smooth on to the facial skin using upward movements.

Allow to dry for 20 minutes then rinse off with warm water. Some recipes for use of egg white as a facial mask will add lemon or honey to the egg white before whisking and applying.

But, again, these products should not be used on a sensitive skin as there can be side effects from adding them.

At the very least, egg white tightens the skin temporarily and removes dead facial cells. Egg white masks, with a squeeze of lemon, are said to help remove whiteheads seen in acne.

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