Uncomfortable rash under her breasts

April 15, 2019

Dear Readers,

Joyce has size D breasts and has been trying to get rid of an itchy rash underneath them for many months now. Underneath her breasts are always wet and hot. She is using several prescribed creams and some powders, which only help briefly before the itchy rash returns.


Some women will develop a rash in this region. Trapped moisture, perspiration and the friction between the breasts and the skin they rest against (anterior chest wall) often cause an inflammatory rash, which then becomes infected with yeast fungus and/or bacteria. This is not seen as often in women whose breasts stand up from off the chest wall. To avoid this irritating condition, it is important to keep the breasts dry and cool.

- Wear dry, loose clothing.

- Keep under the breasts dry and cool.

- Dry the skin under the breasts completely after walking.

- To keep the undersides of the breasts dry, try placing some pads made of a cotton material beneath both breasts. Do not use toilet paper or paper towels (unless very soft and non-scented) as these materials might bruise the skin and worsen inflammation.

- Apply ointments and creams used to treat diaper rash in babies. The reasons for application are fairly similar. Zinc oxide cream or A&D ointment are useful and provide a barrier surface between the inflamed breast tissues and the chest wall.

- When at home, wear loose clothing as much as possible.

- Wearing a well-fitting bra is important as this limits friction between the breasts and the tissue below them.

- Change into dry clothing, if possible, including a dry bra, when sweating a lot.

- Lose weight if overweight.

- If itching a lot, wash the area, avoiding soaps that are too harsh. Apply a cold ice compress for five to 10 minutes, break off for 20 minutes, and then repeat. Dry the breasts properly after this, and apply cotton pads beneath both breasts. Change the cotton pads out for dry ones when wet.

If the rash does not respond to the above suggestions within a week, then see your doctor as yeast or bacterial infections may need treatment with oral and topical treatments for candida and bacteria and a treatment may be needed for eczema.

- Topical applications of calamine lotion and/or aloe vera preparations can relieve itchiness and speed up the healing process.

- Tea tree oil has antifungal properties and can be applied underneath the breasts twice daily.

Hope this works, Joyce!

Try these tips for one week, and keep as cool as possible. If results are not adequate, please visit your doctor so that they can examine the area.


Write Check Up: PO Box 1731, Kgn 8. Email arnaj56@gmail.com.

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