Woman beaten for not sending child to school

February 25, 2016

A man who claimed he stabbed his babymother because she did not send their child to school was remanded for sentencing when he appeared in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court on Monday.

The court heard that the accused, Shamael Sinclair, used a pair of scissors to stab his babymother in the upper body. He pleaded guilty with explanation to the charge of unlawful wounding.

Sinclair explained that he realised his child had not gone to school and went to his baby- mother to enquire about it.

"Mi say to her, 'how come you a go party and you can't find $150 fi send the pickney go school?' and she start rail up and gwaan bad. Then she stab me and mi did a try take the scissors from her and she get stab," he said.

The complainant admitted that she stabbed Sinclair but in self-defence.

"I was inside my house and him lick down the door and come in there and grab me inna me head and start beat me all over so me stab him," she told the court.

The presiding judge, Senior Resident Magistrate Judith Pusey, ordered Sinclair to stay in custody until today, when he is to be sentenced.

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