Residents lament man's death

March 18, 2016

Following the tragic death of a man last Wednesday in Norwood, St James, his family and friends are now left to pick up the pieces.

The deceased, Reno Christie, 22, was reportedly shot dead during a what officials say was a joint police/military operation on Nelly Lane in the parish.

"I was crying [on the scene]," says Christie's distraught mother, Claudette Phillips. "Sometimes I can hardly believe it. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't do anything at all,"

"He was very quiet, very nice. His friends can't believe it either. He was a kind, loving, jovial person," she added.

As his family laments his death, residents in the area are adamant that Christie was killed by soldiers.

"Him stand up a the lane mouth and the soldier drive up and search him, then them just push him off and shoot him," one irate female resident said. "We demonstrate, we block road, and everything! Police come and INDECOM come and take statement and so."

According to the police, an illegal .38 revolver was retrieved during the operation.

The Independent Commission of Investigation (INDECOM) continues to probe the matter.

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