Begging with children's feeding tin

April 18, 2016
Ian Allen/Photographer Kehrata Simpson lives in this old, abondon building with her three children.
Ian Allen/Photographer Kehrata Simpson with her two month old twin boys and four-year old son.
Ian Allen/Photographer Kehrata Simpson lives in this old, abondon building with her three children.

Kehrata Simpson is virtually homeless with three children, including twins boys to whom she recently gave birth, but she is hopeful for a turnaround in life.

Many folks in Junction, St Elizabeth, know of her situation. They see her from time to time pushing her double pram, soliciting money from those who can afford to assist.

"I had my first child at 22," Simpson, 28, said. "I didn't finish school. I got into some bad company and went to a place of safety for girls and then mi run weh and come back home."

The former ward of the State says she has a basic education in sewing and has intentions to go further in this field.

"If I get the help, I would learn more and do dressmaking and stuff like that," she said.

Simpson lives in a dilapidated building situated on lands that are up for sale in Junction. There is no bathroom, no running water, no electricity, and at anytime she could be asked to vacate.

"It's hard because it's me alone with them. I have to feed the little boy and send him to school. When I finish doing what I doing at home, I go out and use my feeding tin and beg," she revealed. "I write on a paper and put on the pan 'They need your help with pampers and wipe. Give with a willing heart, please and thanks'".

Simpson's five-year-old son is in school almost everyday. However, he does not have breakfast and lunch money and relies on other children to share their meal.




She said following his birth she went on contraceptives. "I was on the injection after my first child, but it mess me up and that's why I got pregnant and at the same time I tried to trust another man," she said.

The fathers of her children have been missing in action, but she is determined to make her kids worthwhile citizens.

"I am going to try my best to ensure they get a good education so that they can help themselves. I recently got through to the PATH people so they are on that programme now," she said.

PATH, Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education, is a government-run initiative that is aimed at delivering cash grants to the most needy and vulnerable in the society.

If you are able to assist Simpson, she can be contacted at (876) 855-8953.

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