Taxi driver in X6 murder trial claims he didn't see who fired shots

October 20, 2016
This dark BMW X6 is believed to be the vehicle that was involved in the incident in which Khajeel Mais was shot and killed in 2011.

The taxi driver, who has been called as a witness in the BMW X6 murder trial, today testified that he did not see who fired shots into his car resulting in the death of Khajeel Mais.

Khajeel was killed in July 2011 in Havendale, St Andrew.

It is reported that after the crash the driver of the luxury vehicle got out of his car and fired a bullet into the taxi before fleeing the scene.

The taxi driver today testified that visibility was poor in Havendale on the night Mais was shot.

"It was like snowing," he said, while recounting the incident.

When asked to explain what he meant by his snowing comment, the driver said, "it was like smoke coming down."

He said that the incident took place on a rainy night and that the place was foggy.

He said that he was transporting Mais from nearby a gas station on Mannings Hill Road, St Andrew, to Chevy Chase Place in Havendale when his car collided in the back of another vehicle. He said that the vehicle in which he collided was a "high-up back van" or "an X5".

The driver said that after hitting the vehicle he attempted to pull over, but was forced to take evasive action by holding down his head, as gunshots were fired at him. The driver said he did not see who fired the shots.

Businessman Patrick Powell has been charged with murder and shooting with intent arising from the death of the 17-year-old Kingston College student.

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