50 Year Old Twin Virgins ... Sisters say their book will make Clinton win

November 07, 2016
Patrick Planter/ Photographer 50-year-old virgins Fodeliah (left) and Fidencia Castro Del Ruz.
Patrick Planter/ Photographer Fidencia Castro Del Ruz.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, centre, appears on stage with artists Jay Z, right, and Beyonce, left, during a free concert at at the Wolstein Center in Cleveland on Friday.

... Sisters say their book will make Clinton win

If you frequent the Portmore, St Catherine area, you probably have noticed two women dressed in baggy jeans, bandana wrapped around their heads and almost always in black T-shirts.

Fodeliah and Fidencia Castro Del Ruz are self-professed virgins who authored the book 46 Year Old Twin Virgins of America Speak Out.

They claim the text helped Barack Obama win his second term as president of the United States. And with the US presidential election coming up on Tuesday, the twin virgins again feel they can impact the outcome of the race for the White House.

"The title of our book reflects the life that we live. We are virgins. We just don't meet the right persons yet," Fodeliah said.

The women live between Bridgeport, Portmore, and Charlotte, North Carolina and their book is available on Amazon.

The twin virgins told THE STAR that the second edition of the their book will ensure that Hillary Clinton wins the race to the White House even though the script is still at the publisher's office.

"If Trump wins this election, he cheated. He is not supposed to win this election. Hillary is supposed to win. I know this from deep within my being," Fodeliah said. "The second edition of our book is at the publisher's officeBookbaby."

Fidencia said that the first edition of the book was aimed to empower women.

"We felt like the bills that they were passing [in America] at the time set back women, to like way back to Stone Age," Fidencia said.


But even though the content of the book is about empowering women, the twin virgins insisted that it caused Obama to be re-elected in 2012.

"It was a close election and we packed our bags because we were coming to this country [Jamaica], and we had to unpack because we had a strange feeling. We had to start working on that book, whether we get money from it or not. That book helped him to win the election," Fodeliah said.

The twins, now 50 years old, said that both of them are multi-talented. When asked to give a synopsis of their talents, Fodeliah recited a poem from the first book while Fedencia crooned Everly Brothers All I Have To Do Is Dream. When THE STAR asked if she feels like she is living in a dream, she responded. "The whole world is a dream."

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