Single moms offer escort service - Women charge as much as US$350 per hour

April 28, 2017

Accompanying foreigners and wealthy Jamaicans to parties, corporate functions, and other social events is providing some persons in the resort areas and Kingston and St Andrew with a substantial amount of money for their time.

Some of these escorts, who have been advertising their services, are willing to spend time or even perform 'freaky act' for rates ranging from US$100 (J$12,864) per hour to as much as US$350 (J$45,025) per hour.




A woman, who goes by the name of Stacy, says she is a reflexologist, but doubles as a middle person for pursuers and potential escorts.

Having had a rough upbringing, she said she uses the service as an avenue to provide single mothers with additional income. She also noted that these women are some of her most popular escorts.

"What I do is help single moms acquire some extra money from time to time other than the regular nine to five," she said.

"In my opinion, it is helping a lot single females, especially the ones who are mother and father for their children."

While it has been helping to support families, she said being an escort is a way for other women to acquire extra cash.

Although unwilling to divulge how much she gains from being the middle woman, Stacy told THE WEEKEND STAR that most of the persons that she helps to get an escort are her overseas acquaintances or persons recommended to her by friends.

"I am more like the mediator. I get the call and I send pictures. They choose who they want and then I pass on the number between both parties, and then they make the contact," she said.

However, she stressed that providing sexual pleasure is not necessarily part of the job.

"It has nothing to do with personal services. If it does actually get there, it is beyond my control. That is not the image that I want to portray," she said.

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