ODPEM ready for 2018 hurricane season - Davis

June 01, 2018
Major Clive Davis


The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) says that "all critical checks and balances" have been put in place to ensure that the island is in a state of readiness for the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season.

The forecast from the Meteorological Office of Jamaica (Met Service) suggests that the season, from June 1 to November 30, will be above average.

Alberto, the first named storm of 2018, developed on May 25, bringing heavy rainfall and flash floods to parts of Mexico, Cuba, Florida and the eastern US Gulf Coast and beyond.

Director General of ODPEM, Major Clive Davis, said that the agency is "exceptionally prepared" having made the necessary adjustments based on lessons from last season.




"There have been a number of consultations with local authorities, who have critical roles to play and we have made our checks to ensure that supplies and shelters are ready and sufficient," said Davis.

He noted that the necessary communication is being carried out to ensure that the facilities designated as shelters are not only ready and available, but that the local populace is aware of their location and shelter managers are accessible.

Davis is imploring all Jamaicans to be vigilant during the season, paying attention to bulletins being issued and to have supplies ready.

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