Foundation Bar where drinking is a pleasure and the price is right

July 25, 2019
Foundation Bar in Brown’s Town, St Ann.
Foundation Bar in Brown’s Town, St Ann.
A game of pool is always on at Foundation Bar.
A game of pool is always on at Foundation Bar.
Shanique serves up a flask of the good stuff.
Shanique serves up a flask of the good stuff.

F oundation Bar, located along Church Street in Brown's Town, St Ann, has been serving spirits since 2010 and remains one of the favourite hangout spots in that town.

Banking on his self-crafted motto: "Where drinking is a pleasure and the price is right," proprietor Spurgeon Young has ensured that clients leave the bar satisfied with an intention to return.

"I just have a vision where I figure that I could save some people from driving to the north coast by giving them different options, variety, and all that," Young said. "If 10 people going down to the north coast for the night, maybe two or three might just stop because mi bring the north coast to them in a certain way."

As an example, one favourite pastime enjoyed by many people in towns such as Ocho Rios, karaoke, is available at Foundation Bar every Wednesday.

And if you love to play pool, you'll be delighted to know there are two tables available.

"In between karaoke on Wednesdays, I do the Wray and Nephew Unity Drink Out and people always look forward to coming here. I've always been complimented that the place is always clean and they love the variety that we offer here. Importantly, I've always been blessed with some good staff members, because, you know, customer service is paramount in any business."

It's been just a week since Shanique, the bartender on duty when THE STAR visited, has been working at Foundation Bar and has already formed a very positive opinion of the establishment.

"My first week here has been awesome. Wonderful people, wonderful customers, and my boss is excellent," Shanique said.

In all fairness though, she had visited the bar for a drink on a previous occasion and was impressed with the facility.

"Everything was just nice and in order," she recalled. That first encounter played a major part in her accepting the job.

Charmaine Walker, who has worked at the bar since it opened, explained the longevity of her tenure.

"I'm in charge of everything," she said with a laugh. "It's wonderful here, you could say it's my home."

Meanwhile, Dwayne, a customer, said the spot is his favourite place to hang out.

"The atmosphere is peaceful, you can play a game of pool, you can have a drink and just relax. On Wednesdays, you come out for the karaoke and in terms of the service, the service is always professional," said Dwayne.

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