‘A lot of herbs can cure this virus’

March 19, 2020

A self-proclaimed 'science man' is confident that there are herbs in Jamaica that can cure many diseases, including the dreaded novel coronavirus.

The herbalist said residents of his Clarendon community have been seeking his services for protection against the dreaded coronavirus disease, that has caused at least 7,000 deaths and infected over 180,000 persons in over 150 countries.

"A lot of people come so far for treatment. A lot! I also have mine in my fridge if it should come my way, and if it come my way, it won't last," the man called Doctor said.

"There are a lot of herbs that can cure this virus. You have the ripe papaya leaf and the guava leaf. You also have the blessed tissue. If you boil those three herbs together, those herbs will take care of whatever symptoms there is inside of you," he added.

Jamaicans appear not to be the only ones convinced about the power of herbs in fighting the coronavirus. In Arizona, in the United States of America, FOX 10 reported a mad rush to purchase elderberry, a natural remedy that has been used in fighting off the cold and flu.

Reuters reported that acupuncturists and herbalists in New York City have seen a significant increase in demand for traditional Chinese remedies since the first case of the novel coronavirus was detected in the city.

Here in Jamaica, Doctor said he has no doubt about the effectiveness of his medicine.

"I can give treatment for any sickness that has come about in Jamaica - not to ease [illness,] to cure. I don't deal with treating things. I deal with curing things. There are a lot of sickness that medical science has not come up with any cure for like asthma, hypertension, lupus, and there are herbs that can cure these illness."

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