Jamaicans look overseas for soulmates

January 25, 2022
Rohan Taylor
Rohan Taylor

Portland matchmaker Rohan Taylor says he is seeing an increasing number of locals reaching out to him for help in finding an overseas-based soulmate.

Taylor, who operates a dating service, said that approximately 100 people reach out to him monthly, seeking his help in finding Mr or Miss Right. He said that what is peculiar is the desire among many of these persons for hook-up with someone abroad.

"Majority of people want somebody overseas. It's a whole heap a people here want overseas link," he said.

Taylor advertises his dating business in this newspaper. He said that he began offering the service in 2005, but notes that the advent of social media has made things difficult for him. He also has to keep his eyes on the crime situation in the country.

"Me concerned 'bout how and where people woulda meet people and thing like that. Inah the earlier times, the Internet never so prevalent like WhatsApp, but nowadays persons can call and see each other through [apps] like Messenger. So you can know who you talking to," he said.

Even with these obstacles, Taylor is sure his services work as he has connected many couples who are still together.

"A man from St Ann meet a woman from Portland through me and them still together. And many more too, from the USA and all over Jamaica," he said.

With Valentine's Day closing in, Taylor says he expects more people to turn to his services to find their matches.

"You need your Valentine from now and I can help you get your Valentine's loved one."

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