Life-force energy practitioner helping people spiritually

March 22, 2023
Reiki healer Siobhan Emin-Prentice with a client.
Reiki healer Siobhan Emin-Prentice with a client.
Siobhan Emin-Prentice explains how she became a spiritual healer.
Siobhan Emin-Prentice explains how she became a spiritual healer.
Emin-Prentice with one of her instruments that she uses in her practice.
Emin-Prentice with one of her instruments that she uses in her practice.

Through guided meditation, sound healing, breathing work and other mystic practices, United Kingdom resident Siobhan Emin-Prentice is aiming to heal and restore people's spiritual health.

"I help people spiritually. I spiritually guide them in their path. I use my own experiences and put all my experiences I've been through in life to help the community to come together and find natural healing," she explained.

Born and raised in London, Emin-Prentice told THE STAR that she knew from an early age that she had a more ethereal connection to the darth. After acquiring her degree in psychology and practising as a counsellor for several years, she sought out the ancient practice of reiki as a way to combat her own traumas.

"Reiki is a form of life force energy that comes from the universe. It's universal energy. It helps with meditation, it helps to clear blockages and stress, insomnia, and it's just a way of healing the person for their spiritual awakening," she said. "I got involved with reiki because I've been through quite a lot in my journey. I've been through a lot of pain and trauma with my family and many of my jobs helping young people. What I found with reiki and meditation, I felt the difference. I felt a shift that I can't necessarily put into words."

Now with several years of practice as a reiki healer, Emin-Prentice uses the frequencies from her Shamanic drum, DronaIndia hand cymbals, and other instruments to form healing channels. The 31-year-old said that her sessions are based on Ushi Reiki, where she is only a vessel for the healing to pass through rather than the one actually healing.

Describing the power of the practice, Emin-Prentice said her clients' reactions to her sessions have ranged from crying, and throwing up to complete stoicism.

Prompted by her own traumas surrounding what she describes as her 'sexual compromises', the shaman-in-training has a particular passion for womb reiki. This is a variation of the therapy that focuses on the sacral chakra. Located between the navel and perineum, this chakra is associated with sex organs and the kidneys.

According to Sanskrit texts, chakras are the psychic-energy focal points in the body that are accessed through a variety ancient meditation practices.

"With the womb reiki, I take the women on a journey with themselves and with their wombs where they breathe into the trauma. So we sit with it," she said. "Many people don't have someone to sit with and say 'it's okay that a sexual abuse has happened. It's okay that you feel shame and you feel guilt but we're going to birth that. It doesn't have to define you, it's no longer yours to carry.' I am their energy midwife."

Offering both physical and online sessions, Emin-Prentice said that while she does charge for her sessions, she is largely led by whether or not her spirit instructs her to offer help. Group sessions last up to three hours, while private sessions are for 90 minutes.

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