Cuh Crumbs brings sweet taste via cyberspace

May 12, 2023
Some of Cuh Crumbs’ popular treats.
Some of Cuh Crumbs’ popular treats.
Geoffrey Lewin
Geoffrey Lewin
Cuh Crumbs boss Geoffrey Lewin (left) takes a selfie with team members (from second left) Sara Maddix, Lori Lewin, Liana Salmon, Andre Salmon, and Solange Wedderburn.
Cuh Crumbs boss Geoffrey Lewin (left) takes a selfie with team members (from second left) Sara Maddix, Lori Lewin, Liana Salmon, Andre Salmon, and Solange Wedderburn.

From corporate clashes to fluffing flour, three years after the launch of his sweet treats 'pandemic projection', Geoffrey Lewin is still reaping the rewards of his online-based bakery Cuh Crumbs.

The bakery does deliveries islandwide and fills at least 20 orders a week. But baking goodies was not in his plan for a profession.

"It really was a dream that I never thought would actually come to light. I started baking at a really young age, it's something that I was always passionate about. I did it in high school, excelled at it, and other than that, there is no other official training that I have. It's just something I always pursued on my own. I saw a recipe, tried it to the frustration of my mother 'cause mi finish out all har ingredients and stuff, but she knew it was a passion so she really fuelled it as well," he said.

Lewin said that after leaving his job in the financial sector in 2020, when the pandemic hit, he finally succumbed to prompts from friends to turn his hobby into a hustle.

"One of my friends said 'Hey, I need a cake, lemme buy from you. Let me be your first customer', and it just blossomed from there," he said.

He continued, "We launched in July [of that year] and I said, alright cool, that was fun while it lasted, and I thought that would be it. But in the weeks to come, people started messaging the page and calling and said they heard about the launch and they want to order."

Lewin noted that while his friends were 100 per cent behind it, there was a feeling that the momentum would die down after a week or two.

"[But] it has not slowed down since. It just gets more and more and more every single week," he said. Some of Lewin's crowd favourites include his carrot cake, doughnut holes and chocolate chip brownies. Now three years into the endeavour, Lewin said it is the dedication of his five-member team and his love for food that makes their products best-sellers.

"It's the reason why all the stuff is good," he said. "It's made with love and that is very cliche, it sounds cliche. But everything that is made by Cuh Crumbs is homemade, it's something that grandma would make. One of my customers always says it reminds him of home, it reminds him of [his] childhood and I think that's something that we try to put in all of our products."

While the Clarendon native is not a fan of sweet treats, he said it is the satisfaction he feels from tantalising the tastebuds of others that makes it worthwhile for him.

"I love baking, I love making it for people, I love giving it to people and making people happy, so that's enough for me. The true satisfaction is really from seeing how happy it makes people," he said.

Cuh Crumbs is known for its pop-ups all over the island, and while Lewin still has his doubts, he thinks he will have to find a physical location in the near future.

"This is where the self-doubt comes back in. I don't see it but I'd be foolish to think that I can contain this as a home project forever. There's no way I can keep all of this as just a home project," he said.

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