Gore revved up for Labour Day

October 16, 2015
Doug 'Hollywood' Gore

Richard Morais

With an overhaul of the Audi and its success at the Jamwest Speedway in August where it blew away the competitors, Doug 'Hollywood' Gore is expecting to replicate this performance at the Heroes Day challenge at Dover come Monday.

"The car did well on that track at Jamwest and we are hoping to do the same at Dover which track is different," said the soft-spoken Gore. He had high praise for his team, which he said did the overhauling of the car here in Jamaica.

"We contemplate sending the car back to Europe but decided against that and the team including Patrick Gore, David Bell, and Peter Henry, among others rebuilt it here," he said.

Among other things, the car is now fitted with a carbon fibre body with better aerodynamics. As a result, it is lighter which causes later braking and faster accelerating at the corners.

The Team MoBay member is confident

that the

Thundersport category will be brought back to Montego Bay and by extension western Jamaica.

Team MoBay, however, is more than just Hollywood and the Audi.

Young sensation, the 17-year-old Chris John Addison, will be in his Toyota Corolla. Dean Corrodus will also be there; he will be using a Honda Civic.

Matthew Gore, who did a stint of racing abroad and who can be described as a racing superstar without the status, probably overshadowed by his brother Doug, will also be in his Toyota Starlet. This car has also been overhauled and should make a statement at the meet.

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