Cornwall College 5k to have 'Olympic' finish

May 26, 2018

Dennis Waite, head of the organising committee of the Cornwall College Old Boys Association 'Men of Might' 5K race, is excited about this weekend's fourth staging. He said that the event, which is part of the wellness weekend set for May 26-27, will be more organised.

"This year, On The Run Events will be managing our times. We have brought in professional race managers this time for the whole event to ensure results are put out smoothly and everyone is happy," said Waite, who is hoping to attract over 1,000 participants this year.


The event, which will see all proceeds going towards helping the sporting programme at Cornwall College, is set to run off at 6 a.m. on the school ground.

Waite believes the Cornwall College 5K road race is unique, saying that it is the only one in the island that has an 'Olympic Marathon finish'.

"The Cornwall College 5K, called the 'Men of Might' 5K because it is a little bit more challenging. It has our signature ascent and descent of the Cornwall hill. At the start of the race, you go over Cornwall Hill, go all the way to the former Cornwall beach entrance, make a U-turn and you have to go back over it to the school. All other 5Ks in Montego Bay are run over a flat surface," said Waite.

"Another thing that makes our 5K unique is the ending. We have what we call an Olympic style ending, where the runners will circle the 400m track at the school and end in front of the grand pavilion," he added.

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