Wellington eager to make good first impression

August 28, 2019
Kenyon Hemans/Photographer
Keith Wellington (left), president of the Inter-Secondary Schools Sports Association, receives a symbolic cheque for $25 million from Elon Parkinson, Digicel’s public relations and communications manager, at the launch of the 2019 schoolboy football season at the Terra Nova Hotel last Wednesday.
Kenyon Hemans/Photographer Keith Wellington (left), president of the Inter-Secondary Schools Sports Association, receives a symbolic cheque for $25 million from Elon Parkinson, Digicel’s public relations and communications manager, at the launch of the 2019 schoolboy football season at the Terra Nova Hotel last Wednesday.

President of the Inter-Secondary Schools Sports Association (ISSA), Keith Wellington, says he feels compelled to make a good impression in his debut schoolboy football season as head of the organisation.

Wellington, the St Elizabeth Technical high school principal, took over the reigns from former principal of Wolmer's Boys' School, Walton Small, who demitted office in June after six consecutive terms, says he now has an opportunity to make a lasting contribution to the schoolboy football product and that he intends to start on a good footing.

"I am somebody who is success-driven and anything I am doing, I want to ensure that I do it to the best of my ability. This is an opportunity for me to contribute to schoolboy football, to our students and the product on a whole, and, therefore, I am excited as to what I can contribute. Of course, I want to make sure that whatever my thoughts are, those thoughts and ideas are supported by my colleagues, but I want to see them implemented, and hopefully it will be worthwhile and something that people can look back at and say that I made a contribution," he told STAR Sports at last Wednesday's launch of the season at the Terra Nova All-Suite hotel.

"I am excited as to what will happen this year. We started a year or two ago in terms of ensuring that we try to provide a full package of football, not just organising teams to play on the field, but the event around the matches and the competition. We have tried to enhance that and we continue to do, and I am excited as to where it is taking us," he continued.

With the season just under a week away, Wellington is pleased with how operations have gone smoothly and in line with plans. Furthermore, he expects things to continue along the same line through to the end of the season on December 7.

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