Campbell promises to deliver Rusea’s 12th d’Cup title

September 13, 2019
Kenroy Campbell
Kenroy Campbell

Kenroy Campbell who scored a hat-trick in the Rusea's 7-1 win over Merlene Ottey High in their opening game on Monday is confident he will have a season to lead his team to their 12th daCosta Cup title.

"I am grateful for the three goals because I want to break Brian Brown's record," Campbell said. "Yeah, I have to bring the team on my back. As a senior man and a national player also, everyone is depending on me so I have to do what's best for my team."

After an embarrassing second-round exit for the competition last season, Campbell believes they have a point to prove this year. He noted that if they carry out their coach's instructions and trust each other they go all the way, which he personally is looking forward to.

"For this year, we just need to cooperate and listen to the coach. We have a great team so if we work together we can achieve great things as we did in 2017," Campbell said.

"Yes, I would want to win the d'Cup again. After winning the d'Cup two years ago to do it again would be great as well as put me in a better position to make the Under-20 national team. Also leaving school with a lot of titles under my belt means I would start building a legacy at such a young age," he added.

daCosta Cup Fixture Saturday, September 14

Maldon High vs Irwin High

Cornwall College vs St James High

Green Pond High vs Anchovy High

Green Island High vs Merlene Ottey High

Hopewell High vs Rusea's High

Frome Technical vs Cambridge High

Herbert Morrison vs William Knibb

Cedric Titus High vs Spot Valley High

Muschett High vs Holland High

Petersfield High vs Manning's School

Maud McLeod vs Belmont High

Grange Hill High vs Godfrey Stewart High

Munro College vs STETHS

Black River High vs Lacovia High

Maggotty High vs Newell High

Manchester High vs Mile Gully High

B.B Coke High vs Belair High

May Day vs deCarteret College

Roger Clarke High vs Knox College

Alston High vs Holmwood Technical

Christiana High vs Spalding High

Lennon High vs Edwin Allen High

kellits High vs Clarendon College

Iona High vs Brown's Town

York Castle High vs Ocho Rios

Marcus Garvey High vs Oracabessa High

Guy's Hill vs Annotto Bay High

St Mary Technical vs Carron Hall

Tacky High vs Brimmervale High

Charlemont High vs McGrath High

Dinthill Technical vs Enid Bennett High

Fair Prospect High vs Happy Grove High Port Antonio High vs Titchfield School

Winston Jones vs Bellefield High

Denbigh High vs Glenmuir High

Garvey Maceo vs Cross Keys

Foga Road High vs Kemps Hill High

Vere Technical vs Central High

Old Harbour High vs Porus High

Robert Lightbourne vs Seaforth High

Morant Bay vs Yallahs High

St Thomas Technical vs Paul Bogle High

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