Andrew, Portia should lead the country

March 02, 2016
File Andrew Holness and Portia Simpson Miller before the political leaders' debate in 2011.
Simpson Miller

Yes peeps, the general election is over and the vuvuelas are quiet again. But political drama still continues, caused mainly by the razor-thin margin of difference between the victors and the vanquished. Naturally, it's a pleasure for some people and pain for others, but I think everybody is somewhat surprised by the results. So, basically, only less than half of the electorate actually bothered to vote. That's troubling. Thirty-two seats to the JLP and 31 seats to the PNP was the last result I heard. That's close.

And now, amid the thrill of triumphant, the trauma of defeat and all the resultant post-mortems and analyses, and even while the next prime minister-designate gets ready to be officially sworn in and appoint his Cabinet, all kinds of counting, recounting and accounting are still taking place.

Well, look here nuh, I have a thought. And nobody asked me, but I'm going to share it. You know what I think? More than half of the voting population are obviously apathetic [as in, maybe don't give a damn], and the remaining minority who chose to vote did not give either of the two major parties extremely clear and overwhelming majority lead.

Based on all the above, I seriously think Maas Andrew and Ms Portia should just broker some kind of mutual arrangement where they can basically share the Government and done. How about you? What you think? I don't care who wants to call me crazy or naive - I've been called less flattering things. But I really believe that the JLP and the PNP should just call a 'haul an pull up' to the perpetual polarisation tunes they've been dancing to since 1944 and just go into reset mode.




They should attempt joint leadership. Imagine that. They would go down in history as the courageous and transformative leaders who drastically shifted the paradigm by sitting down together and working out a national coalition government comprising the best of both sides. Tufton in agriculture and Thwaites in education, for example, are choices that even the most rabid political tribalists on either side would probably agree on.

That won't happen anytime soon, though; not under our current situation of intense competition for greater access to scarce benefits and spoils. I can just hear some people wondering if Blakka has been busy imbibing the urine of an insane cat. Share? Have coalition? Never that! The orange tribe has had a good run, now the green tribe has to get their run too. A so di ting set, nuh true? Plus, with Mama P and Uncle A as joint leaders, we would probably end up with a contentious 'he said, she said' government.

Yes, He Said, She Said also happens to be the name a new theatrical production I'm directing, so if you think the segue seem contrived, come to the front of the class and come collect your ticky because you may be correct. What is He Said, She Said? It's a sexy comedy revue with an eclectic collection of hilarious skits, sensuous songs, provocative poetry and playful parodies depicting a range of scenarios and situations that have to do with romance, relationships, gender, sex and sexuality. Rated 'M' for mature, it's a brave blend of nice and naughty that you should not miss.

Who's in it? A mix of fresh new talent working along with some established theatre veterans and stalwarts. It includes Karen Harriott, Kathy Grant, Keniesha Bowes, Lakiesha Ellison and Tesfa Edwards. The show also introduces some exciting new talent to the Jamaican commercial stage in the persons of Chrystal Cole, Matthew Boyd, Jakeme Clarke and Gemmar McFarlane. The special gala premiere is this Friday at The Courtleigh Auditorium in New Kingston with cocktails at 7 p.m. and curtains at 8 p.m. I kid you not, He Said, She Said promises some sensational surprises. Call 542-4160 for tickets, or link mi!

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