Look but don’t touch
As a child, many of us grew up in an environment with rules that governed how we experienced it.
I’ve personally been told by many adults at the time to “look but don’t touch”, especially when it came on to things considered valuable, or things only meant for adults to access.
In this COVID-19 world that we live in, that lesson seems applicable.
Human beings are typically very tactile in our expression. For example, we hug strangers in several scenarios, including showing appreciation.
With the continuous recommendation of physical distancing, it’s clear that we have to adjust the way we do things.
This is the same for our sexual expression, especially for new relationships. The good news is, it’s still possible to be very sexual with a partner even without actually touching each other.
Just do what we did as children; look but don’t touch.
Wear those pretty, lacy things you purchased for those sexy nights together and do regular things around the house. Yes, put on the high heels, too. You will feel sexy and also provide an amazing show for your voyeur – and partner – to enjoy.
For those of us who are away from each other during the quarantine, there are several apps that you can use to keep each other’s company and spend some sexy time together. You can be very creative, and you don’t have to be completely nude, if you choose not to. The whole point is to make it fun and still maintain the sexy in your relationship.
While we can’t go out to any parties right now, please put on something sexy, turn on YouTube, pour some wine, turn up the music, and get your dance on. Feel free to log in to your video call and invite some friends to join the vibe. This is a great way to relieve some of the stress of cabin fever and get a great sweat on, which also feels really good.
As we try hard to get through this challenging time, we are going to have to be creative to come out of it with our sanity and a happy relationship intact.
COVID-19 has given us something that we always did not have enough of: time. Try to make the best of how you spend it together, and please always include some sexy.
Send your questions or comments to sexychatwithshelly@gmail.com or tweet me @drsexyann, or Facebook: www.facebook.com/allaboutthesexy. Website: www.drsexyann.com