What yuh doing fi di summer?

July 04, 2018

FIFA World Cup is on, so football fans are everywhere. Wall fans, desktop fans, ceiling fans, and standing fans are also plentiful because hot days are here again!

Yes folks, we're in the good old summer time again. And parents are busy indulging in costly extravagance, as children of all ages are getting decked out in their expensive fineries because it's also graduation season. Pickney all a graduate from day care!

Some parents are also up in arms now, trying to decide what to do with the children for summer. Of course, there are several options for summer school all around.

Some are pretty reasonably priced, and some are ridiculously expensive. In my days, summer time meant long days of non-stop play and fun nights filled with storytelling and ring games.

Back in the day, we didn't have so many factory-manufactured toys, so summer time was time to learn to make kites, build skates, design slingshots and carve out 'gigs'. Summertime was also 'run boat' time.

So what are you doing with and for the children in your home or community this summer? Please, mi a beg unnu, don't bother take the lazy route and leave them to be totally occupied by the television, computer, tablet and cell phone!

No, peeps. In addition to the games, toys and the organised camps, this summer may be a great time to teach some basic but vital life skills.

How about making this summer the season to teach children, especially boys, some household tasks, like how to make up their beds? Yes, I said especially boys!

Some people think it's more important for a boy to learn how to change the tyre on a car, and that's fine. But guess what, even though he may or may never own a car, every man will have to sleep in a bed.

Think about it. This summer could be the time when a child finally learns how to properly and completely do a load of laundry.

I mean completely, as in sort, wash, rinse, hang out to dry and then take up from the line. And don't talk nonsense about 'woman's work' or 'man's work'.

As far as I am concerned, the only task that is exclusively woman's work, is breastfeeding. Nuh true?

Yeah, peeps. This summer could be the time when your child finally learn how to prepare and serve a meal, how to set a table and how to tidy the house.

Try it nuh!


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