Patrons enjoy DipSuh in the rain

August 23, 2017
This woman was certainly enjoying the music.
What's a little pout when the music is sweet.
These two were dancing up a storm.
This hottie was as sweet as honey.
POW! A patron fires an imaginary shot as a 'big tune' is selected.

With rain pouring , one's instinct would be to take cover.

Not so for the patrons that attended the recent staging of DipSuh Day Break party that was held at Sand Blast, near the Mandela Highway in St Catherine.

The party began in the wee hours of the morning, when some people are either just rolling over in bed or going for a morning walk. Although scheduled to end at noon, patrons were given an additional two hours to party.

And the selectors were on point, with Di Unit and DJ Kofie pleasing the crowd. Mario and JJ Wizzle, as usual, did their thing and kept the party 'lit'.

"Even though we went to a new venue and there was the threat of a thunderstorm, the patrons still came out in their numbers, which continues to prove that DipSuh is the baddest morning party in Jamaica," Dwayne Harris, one of the promoters, told THE STAR.

"It was one of the best stagings we've had so far. More than 1,000 patrons in the venue, and when the rain came pouring down for almost 45 minutes straight, absolutely no one left the venue, and it made the party in the rain even more euphoric."

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