Teen writer explores ‘The Evolution of Young Christians’

May 21, 2021
Colliecia Wright
Colliecia Wright
Colliecia Wright
Colliecia Wright

Colliecia Wright has a passion for writing, but she never imaged that she would have written her first book by age 18, and one with a lofty title at that: The Evolution of Young Christians.

However, the University of Technology, Jamaica student assures that the book is an easy read and one which her peers in particular will find interesting. And, she is beaming at her accomplishment, even as she gives unending praises to the Almighty.

"I have a special relationship with God and I prayed and fasted about this project. I am young and I wasn't sure that people would take advice from me at my age, but the feedback has been a blessing. Adults are calling me up asking when part two is coming out," Wright told Gospel Spotlight.

Her motivation to write was born out of her own experience and that of her friends. "I know that my peers have been having a hard time because of the pandemic, and I too had my rough patches, especially during my last year of high school, when I failed math and became depressed. My friends went on to sixth form and it seemed like I was stuck. But God had bigger plans and was moving me away from some chaos," she recalled.

The book was released in January, and Wright shared that she kept the project a secret until it was completed. "Nobody knew, not even my mother. She would see me up at 4 a.m. and she assumed that I was doing schoolwork. At first, when I mentioned the book to my mother, she reacted like I had written an essay, because she didn't realise that I had actually written an entire book," Wright said, laughing at the memory.

But once her mother got the full understanding, she pledged to ensure that The Evolution of Young Christians would be released in time for her daughter's 19th birthday, and she kept her promise.


Describing herself as someone who is focused on "spiritual growth and authentic spiritual development", not only for herself but also for others as well, Wright is very involved in activities at her church, Escarpment Road New Testament Church of God. Her mantra is that "everything happens for a reason and though our challenges may be hard at the beginning, it will always work out for our good in the end".

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