Ex-Cop burns self after spouse cheats

October 23, 2015
Fuel bottle

Video footage that was believed to have been captured in Lucea, Hanover, chronicling the aftermath of a distraught man who reportedly set himself ablaze resulting in severe burns, has gone viral.

Reports reaching THE WEEKEND STAR are that the man, who is said to be a former member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), supposedly learnt that his spouse was being unfaithful to him. Presumably, the news was too much and he reportedly set himself ablaze after dousing gasolene over his body. He received several burns.

The subject in the video has since been admitted to the Cornwall Regional Hospital in Montego Bay.

emotional turmoil

The 18-second tape is making its rounds on Facebook. It in, the man is seen with his shirt removed with severe burns to his back as he howled into the darkness. It is unclear if the man howled in pain as a result of his injuries or rather, as a result of his emotional turmoil.

Several persons can be seen gathered around the man in awe, on what appears to be a community street.

"Look what him do to himself," said a female voice, seemingly in disbelief.

The Lucea police said they got no formal reports of any such incident, but they too have heard murmurs of it happening in their area.

"Somebody has to come in, in a case like that. We wouldn't just investigate like that," a policeman said. "If it's attempted suicide, I'm not sure of the details of how it happened or the state of mind that the individual is in, but it depends on that if the police is to act."

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