Man fined for ganja possession

December 18, 2015
A ganja field

A man, who pleaded guilty to possession of ganja charge, was fined when he appeared in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court last Wednesday.

Ricardo Grant also plead guilty to dealing in ganja with intent to export.

But Grant told Senior Resident Magistrate Judith Pusey that he was a victim of an elaborate plan to frame him.

"Your honour, I have been set up by the police because they want to overthrow me, and so them been trying to catch me in wrongs and get lucky," explained Gray.

The man, who pleaded guilty to both counts, said a tenant at his house had been using

her police connection to

"overthrow him".

"The police beat me up really badly. As I stand here, I cannot hear out of one of my ears, your honour," he added.

Senior RM Pusey was not moved by his explanation and fined him $6,000 or 30 days for the possession of ganja charge and $6,000 or 12 days for the dealing in ganja.

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