Rob Ford dies at 46

March 23, 2016

Rob Ford the former mayor of Toronto, Canada who did not seize to showcase his love and admiration for Jamaica and things Jamaican, died yesterday after a battle with cancer.

Our news team understands that the controversial former city mayor, Ford, passed away on March 22, after an 18-month battle with a rare form of soft-tissue cancer known as pleomorphic liposarcoma.

He was 46-year-old.

Ford, was a huge fan of reggae music, and was relentless in his support of the Jamaican community in Canada.

He served in office as city mayor from December 1, 2010, to November 30, 2014.

According to, Ford could not run for re-election as mayor in 2014 due to his cancer diagnosis, but won a city council seat in a landslide result.

Since news of his passing, many Jamaicans locally and in Canada has expressed their condolences. 

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