'Nine Life' murdered by gunmen

January 17, 2017

The Kellits police are reporting that a 50-year-old farmer was robbed and killed in the Brandon Hill area of Kellits in Clarendon on Sunday night.

According to the police reports, Carl 'Nine Life' Roberts was at home when men armed with guns invaded his house at about 9 p.m. and shot him several times, killing him on the spot. It is said that the men escaped with a number of his belongings.

"It is early days yet, but the police have begun their investigation into this matter," an investigator at the Clarendon Police Division told THE STAR.

A friend of the deceased, Nubert Daly, who operates a business in the Kellits area, said Nine Life was a valuable member of the community.

"Nine Life is my friend, and he will be missed, trust me. Remember he is in charge of collecting chocolate from the other farmers, so he was well respected by everyone around here," Daly said. "I got home, and that was the news that greets me. It is so sad to lose such a valuable community member."

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