Don't take your tankers home - Ebanks

April 07, 2017
A Gas Pro truck

Senior deputy superintendent of the Jamaica Fire Brigade, Emeleo Ebanks, is warning commercial gas companies not to allow their tankers to be parked in residential areas.

This comes after a group of residents in a community in Hellshire, St Catherine, has voiced concerns over a Gas Pro tanker that is constantly being parked in their community for more than a year.

"This is something that we are against and we would want to remind the marketing companies of their responsibilities to the country. We have seen situation where empty cylinders have explode, and this is a tanker that we are speaking about," Ebanks said.

The residents told THE WEEKEND STAR that one of their neighbours has continually parked the tanker at his residence despite repeated warnings.

Ebanks said: "A lot of people don't understand that an empty tanker with fumes is just as dangerous as one that is filled."

When THE WEEKEND STAR contacted Massy Gas Products, the company which owns the Gas Pro brand, the commercial manager was not prepared to give a response.

"We want to advise these companies to check their drivers to find out where they are leaving these units overnight," Ebanks said.

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