Residents demand urgent road repairs
Residents of Cohen Lane at Sanguinetti in North West Clarendon are calling on the Clarendon Municipal Corporation to move with urgency to repair sections of the Cohen Lane Road, which was badly damaged by the recent heavy rains.
The residents told THE STAR that the road which was in a terrible condition three months ago, was upgraded to the tune of $2 million by the corporation, but one week after it was worked on the thoroughfare started to show signs of shoddy work.
"I don't know what rush they were in to upgrade the road, but almost immediately after the equipment and the contractor left the road started to show signs of poor work. It just started to break up, and the tar which was used on it started peeling off," said Leonard Facey.
Like Facey, other residents have expressed concern that the money spent on the road was not evident because the road was rushed and not given much time to set before the tar was poured on it for its completion.
More rain expected
"Because the road was not given time to set, the heavy rain which came three weeks ago just wash off the little tar they used to do it. And now we are almost in June when more rain is expected to fall," said a concerned Facey.
When THE STAR spoke with councillor for the Spaldings Division, Trevor Gordon, he said he was aware of the complaints.
He noted that efforts are being made to have those sections which were damaged by the heavy rains repaired. The work, he said, will be carried out with the use of barber greene (asphaltic concrete), especially because it is best suited to handle the volume of water which runs on that road whenever it rains.