Ailing cop hangs on to hope - Battling with end-stage kidney failure

June 26, 2017

For nearly a year, Detective Constable Cordel Cockings has been battling with end-stage renal failure, but he believes he will overcome the ailment with the help of the Almighty, and the support of Good Samaritans.

"I'm staying positive. I strongly believe that I will overcome even though the doctors said that the kidneys are irreparable. In order to do that, though, I will need a transplant, and lots of support," the 29-year-old said.

The transplant will cost approximately US$200,000 or J$25.9 million.




Cockings, who has been serving the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) since 2011, said the ailment took him by surprise as he has always maintained a healthy lifestyle.

"There are five stages of renal failure, and when I got diagnosed, it was at the last stage, which is level five. I felt really bad, especially knowing that I was practising good lifestyle, because I don't smoke and I don't drink. I was physically active. I'm a cricketer, and those lifestyle practices should have prevented me from getting this illness, especially at my age," Cockings shared.

The diagnosis was made July 22 last year, after Cockings went to the hospital with complaints of headaches, shortness of breath, vomiting and shivering.

Since then, it has been a rocky road for the father of two as he has been put on some 13 different medications, and undergoes dialysis twice weekly, at $10,500 for each session. He noted that he is to receive dialysis three times weekly, but he simply cannot afford it.

To offset the cost of treatment, and also to save towards the transplant, Cockings and colleagues have been partnering on various fundraising activities, which he is imploring the public to support.

His batchmates from The Mico University College, where he had specialised in teaching the sciences and physical education, have planned a bingo night in order to raise money to help him. It will be held at the Police Officers' Club on Hope Road on Saturday, July 8, 2017, hosted by Winston Cassanova. Tickets cost $1,000.

"Whatever you can do to assist would be greatly appreciated as I strongly believe I will overcome this condition, but to do so, I will need support from all angles," Cocking said.

Donations can be made to Cordel Cockings' NCB account number 304-847-247, Half-Way Tree branch.

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