Demons take over children's home - Pastor casts spirits out of seven girls

July 06, 2017

For more than three hours yesterday, the Reverend Courtney Anderson stood before the rostrum of the Jamaica Evangelistic Centre, which is located off Waltham Park Road in Kingston, casting 'demons' out of seven girls.

The possessed girls were seen slithering on the church's floor and were heard speaking in strange tongue, a behaviour that has been giving their caregivers headache.

In an attempt to cure a problem that has left many doctors across the Corporate Area bemused, the caregivers turned to Anderson in the hope that he would caste out the demons.

"Loose! Loose! Loose!," the clergyman shouted as the girls wailed and writhed in discomfort.

"Receive in the name of Jesus, receive," Anderson preached to the girls as their eyes twisted in their heads and they foamed at the mouth.

As Anderson continued to exorcise the demons, some of the girls exclaimed "Jesus!' before falling in the arms of the waiting church 'mothers' with white towels. Weak and tired, they lie on the floor of the church bawling.


Seizure like symptoms


According to the manager of the facility, who asked for anonymity, it all started two weeks ago when one of the girls began to show seizure like symptoms.

"When we took her to the hospital they said that they can't help her," the manager said. "They were basically saying that it was not medical."

He said when the girl got back to the facility, other girls started showing the seizure like symptom and talking in a strange tongues. "After we took the first girl to the hospital, we have gone to other medical facilities around town and we don't get any result," the manager said.

Frustrated by the response he has been getting from the medical professionals, the manager turned the church, which is dubbed the Deliverance Miracle Auditorium.

As a Christian you believe that there is always a higher power," the manger explained. "The thing about what they call deliverance is it is not all churches or all pastors can do it so it is something that you have to be cognisant of."




A medical doctor, who is attached to the facility, said he has never seen anything like that in all the years he has been practising medicine.

"You have watched shows with demon possession, that's what they showed. I am a medical doctor and I have never seen anything like this," the doctor said.

As Anderson began to wrap-up the 'casting out' session, he implored the girls to believe that they are healed of their wasting illness. "It is done unto you as you believe," Anderson said.

"I believe things are going to turn out for the good when you get out of here. If you think you are delivered, let me see your hands?"

Anderson said that it is important for the girls to believe they have been healed. He also said that they need to avoid doing the things that caused them to be possessed in the first place.

"They might need to change their attitudes or if they were part taking in sexual activities they need to stop," Anderson said.

As the girls walked feebly out of the church, Anderson led the congregation in a rendition of 'He is a miracle working God.'

The pastor has made arrangement with some of the mothers of the church to go to the facility next week Thursday to have a praying meeting.

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