Owners want Orchid Estate houses fixed

May 18, 2018
Houses at Orchid Estate in Yallahs, St Thomas.
John Mahfood

Some homeowners at Orchid Estate in Yallahs, St Thomas, are calling on the developers to urgently fix their houses, which they claim were not properly constructed.

One such homeowner, Nashara, said that she is displeased with the condition of her two-bedroom house, for which she paid $10.4 million.

"I don't even call these buildings houses, they are far from that. There are constant problems. Cracks are now evolving, and closets are falling out. The kitchen sink is another issue because people come three or four times a week to fix it, and it has not been done properly," she said.

Nashara said that her concerns seem to be falling on deaf ears because of the length of time that it takes for her house to be fixed. She said that every time it rains, her kitchen floods.

Orchid Estate was developed by Jamaican Teas Limited.

John Mahfood, chief executive officer of Jamaican Teas, said he is aware that some homeowners have problems with their units and said that every effort is being made to get all the problems rectified.

"We are doing remedial work on the problems that the homeowners have reported on. We hope that they finish up in the next week," Mahfood said on Monday.

"One of the frustrations that the homeowners have is how long we have been taking, and that is true. We have a small team that is down there working, so it is taking as little longer than the homeowners would like, but I have told the homeowners that we are committed, that we are going to do the things that need to be done to make them comfortable, and I hope that before the end of May, everything will be done to their satisfaction."

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