Woman's life in shambles after acid attack
The life-changing and horrifying events of July 14, 2014, will forever remain in the mind of Stephanie Walker. On that day, she was attacked by two females in her Arnett Gardens community and doused with a corrosive substance.
Walker was left with major burns to her face, neck and arms.
The case against the alleged attackers was dismissed by the courts earlier this week.
"The girl who acid me get lock up, and then we were sent to mediation. Nothing was settled, so we go back a court, and this is the end result," she said.
Walker said she spent almost three weeks in the hospital after she was severely burnt. She was given extensive medical treatment, which included skin grafting.
Staring intently at photographs of her before she received burn injuries, Walker, 29, said she would do anything to lead a regular life once again. She stated that herself present condition has affected her ability to not only keep a steady job, but to relate to her family as well.
"It took more than two years for my son to recognise it was me. I had to go his graduation burnt up. I have tried working after the incident, but I stopped after a while because I couldn't take the stares and insults that persons would throw my way. Mi try get other work, but no one nuh waah employ me because they are frightened by how mi look. If I walk into a room, I am the centre of attention, and not in a good way," Walker said between tears.
Walker, who worked as a flag woman on National Works Agency projects and as a janitor, is hoping that she will be able to undergo a plastic surgery to help restore her looks. However, she is unable to do so because of financial constraints.
"I just want back a normal life. I know I was cheated by the justice system because I know that acid is illegal to throw on a person, but right now, I just want to live a regular life and have a regular face," she said.
Persons wishing to assist Stephanie Walker may contact her at