Woman steals sandals from vendor

November 24, 2018

Psychiatric evaluation has been ordered for a woman who stole five pairs of Bridget Sandals from street vendor.

Charged with simple larceny is Alicia Stewart.

When the matter was called up in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court on Friday, she pleaded guilty.

She said: “I am sorry. I know I did something wrong. That’s why I brought them back today seeing [that] it was my court day.”

The sandals are said to be valued at approximately $65,000. 

However, the complainant told the court that a few pairs were still unaccounted for.

“Three are still missing — the purple, green and blue one. It’s not the first she a steal from me. Is the first I catch her red-handed. Those three are people's slippers dem give me to fix, and I couldn’t find them. The dear ones dem, she nuh bring back,” he said. 

The court was told that an eyewitness saw Stewart going into the barrel where the slippers were being stored and called the complainant, who caught Stewart removing the items.

Parish Judge Chester Crooks ordered a psychiatric evaluation and told the accused to give her fingerprints to the police.

Stewart was remanded and is to return to court on December 18.


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