Vere Technical student looks to study in Canada

March 05, 2020
Stevol Morrison
Stevol Morrison

Vere Technical High School student Stevol Morrison is now in his final year at sixth form and he is living on hope and a prayer that he will be able to take on the next phase of his journey.

Morrison, who applied to universities abroad to take his food science exploits to the next level, said that he is yet to figure out how he will cover his expenses.

Morrison, who represented Jamaica in Miami at Taste of Jamaica/Worldskills competition last year, told THE STAR that he is hoping to have his dream realised.

Morrison, who has acceptance letters from Humber College as well as Niagara College, said it has been his dream to study in Canada.

"Why Canada? With my passion for the culinary arts, I heard that they have really great programmes there," he said excitedly. "It's hard to know I have come so close to grasping my dream and not getting it. That's why I am reaching up for destiny helpers to ensure I get to embrace it."

Morrison started out attending Bustamante High School, also in Clarendon, and admitted that he was a very slow learner and never performed at his best.

With the financial challenges and other issues, his mother moved him to Vere Technical. It was there that he was introduced to the culinary arts, and life has never been the same for him.

Taken under the wings of the school's guidance counsellor and culinary teacher, his grades started picking up, and so too did his love affair with the culinary arts.

When he wasn't shining in the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission competition, he was showing off his skills in other competitions.

Last year, he was the only high-school student on the Jamaican team that entered the World-Skills Competition, where they finished third.

Morrison, who hails from Hayes, describes himself as "a self-motivator". He said he stays out of trouble by reminding himself of what's important in life and keeping focused on his dreams.

"I don't know how, but I am believing that someone out there, someone has the answer to me making it to one of the two colleges come September," he said.

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