Amputee seeks prosthetic leg to make life easier
Having had her leg amputated last July, Georgia 'Debbie' Woods is seeking the public's assistance in an attempt to literally get back on her feet.
The 57-year-old is in dire need of a prosthetic leg valued at J$750,000 by prosthetics solutions company Surgix Jamaica Ltd. She is hoping something positive will happen for her soon.
"Me just a try to seek help everywhere because me don't have it and I just want to be able to help myself because I don't have anyone to depend on like that," she told THE STAR.
Woods said that she was diagnosed with the autoimmune disease Lupus in 1988 and has been ailing since. Lupus can result in inflammation and pain in any part of the body. The disease causes the immune system, which usually fights infections, to instead affect healthy tissues. Woods' knee was especially affected, which contributed to the amputation.
"The Lupus affect the left side of my body so it hard to use my left hand, and about four years ago me realise say every time me walk me drop. The 28 of July last year me fell down and me knee bone dislocate and me end up in ICU, only to find out that they had to amputate my leg," Woods said. Before the amputation, Woods said that she operated a shop and was very independent.
Since the life-changing event, she has had to use a wheelchair, and has to do hustling from her Chisholm Avenue, Kingston 13, home.
"From me lose my leg and I'm at home, me a try to help myself because it rough on me. Me sell stuff like curtain, sheet, slippers and me make drops and pudding and sell at my gate," she said. "I use to do day's work like wash some clothes and stuff like that so I could get money to buy the stuff and sell in the shop," she said, adding that the shop stock was now depleted.
She said "Me have a walker but me still can't use it. Me can't balance myself because me foot gone and trust me it very difficult. I'm a woman who me don't want to be dependent on nobody either." She, however, has to rely on her daughter who is also struggling to make ends meet.
"I have two children. One live with me, but she has five children that she has to take care of so it is not easy on her," Woods said as tears welled up in her eyes. "If she had it (financial means), it wouldn't be a problem to help me but it rough on her so she give what she can."
"Me just want to get the leg so me can do my thing again, any type of help I would appreciate it," Woods added.
Anyone who wishes to assist Woods may contact her at 876-462- 6697