Woman seeks funds to do heart surgery

February 19, 2021

Last December, Antoinette Beckford was struck down by a heart attack. She found out after she was rushed to the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) where she spent a week trying to recover. The 53-year-old is scared of being in such a life-threatening position again. She has to come up with just over $1 million to undergo a critical surgery at the UHWI.

"I really want to just raise this money so I can get the surgery done because I don't want to end up in the hospital again or even worse," Beckford said. "I'm trying to raise some funds through other means but everyone who I asked is saying at the end of the month, but I need assistance from all angles."

The Franklyn Town, Kingston, resident revealed that she knew something strange was happening in her body.

"The Sunday morning me start feel dizzy, start stumble down and me heart just keeping jumping up but the Friday before me pressure did high and me take a piece of garlic to bring it down," she said. "Me don't know if is that trigger off anything." Her cardiologist recommended she does a diagnostic coronary angiogram.

Surgery Date Pending

"A date don't set for the surgery as yet but it should be done before the end of March. I'm going back to the hospital on Thursday to confirm certain stuff and do some other tests," Beckford said. "I'm just at home taking a lot of medications now such as blood thinners so my blood can circulate easily."

Beckford has been unemployed since 2017, making it even more stressing for her to generate the money needed. She is solely dependent on her daughters.

"It is already hard on them so to find those type of money is gonna be very hard. Even if I could try to do something to help out, I can't because I have to be in bed all day because of the sickness and me can't do anything hard," she said. For the most part, Beckford said she is trying her best to remain composed.

"Me used to stress a lot about it but everybody tell me to relax because the stress will bring up my blood pressure and make things even worse," she said. "I really want to just raise this money so I can get the surgery and any donation is appreciated."

Anyone who wishes to donate may contact Antoinette Beckford at 876-297- 2015 or her daughter Tanesha at 876- 278-6399

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