Brae Head’s hidden gem

August 25, 2021
Brae Head Falls in northern Clarendon is considered a hidden gem. Residents say that poor roads and lack of other amenities are preventing the wider public from making the best of this treasure.
Brae Head Falls in northern Clarendon is considered a hidden gem. Residents say that poor roads and lack of other amenities are preventing the wider public from making the best of this treasure.

Residents of Brae Head in northern Clarendon are calling for attention to be placed on a waterfall in the community, which they say could provide earning opportunities for the people.

According to businessman Glenroy Anderson, the falls is just a shadow of what it used to be. He said that it was the go-to chill spot in the '90s to the early 2000s, especially on holidays.

Anderson said that the Brae Head falls has lost is lustre and is now only frequented by residents. He feels that it can be developed into a tourist attraction, which would redound to the benefit of the community. In talking up the beauty of the falls, Anderson said that the water can be seen from anywhere in the community, cascading from 300 feet.

"The community needs improvement, we need better structure, better road, we do not have any good water supply. We have a waterfall a few chains from my business, which the member of parliament (Dwight Sibbles) and the Government [are] not doing what they have to do to develop that area," Anderson complained.

According to Anderson, tourism and other development cannot take place until the issue of the bad roads are addressed.

"We need some attention whether Labourite or PNP in power, we need some attention that we can develop Brae Head. People from foreign even want to come here and live but because the road bad and the water supply poor they are afraid to come here," he said.

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