‘I wanted to save him’ - Good Samaritan spirit broken after gallant effort to preserve Kenute Williams’ life
Roger Marshall said he has not slept or ate anything since Wednesday after he tried unsuccessfully to save 16-year-old Kenute Williams, who was murdered for his cell phone and $1,000 while walking to school along Liguanea Avenue in St Andrew.
The 49-year-old businessman wept uncontrollably as he described a nightmarish event on Wednesday. He was on his way from Barbican to New Kingston when he noticed someone lying on the side of the road. Like other motorists, he passed as he initially didn't think much of it. But his co-workers with whom he was travelling suggested that something looked odd. He checked his rear-view mirror and concurred.
The teen needed help. Marshall spun the vehicle around and they went to the teen's side. However, he was not prepared for the moments that followed.
"I asked him if somebody hit him on the road, but he shook his head and said no. He didn't speak, then l turn him around and saw a hole in his chest. I put him in the back of my van and rushed him to the hospital. It took 10 nerve-racking minutes to get there.
"On my way to the hospital, l saw a soldier jeep and asked him to give me an escort to the hospital, which he did. I went inside and offered the doctor $10,000 to assist him with anything he needed, but then the doctor took me one side and told me that he is dead," he said.
Williams, a Grade 10 student at Papine High School, is the only child for his parents, Carroline Robinson and Kenute Sr. The couple are set to get married this Saturday. His mother ironed his suit for the wedding the day before he was killed.
"(It)brought tears to my eyes because I was thinking about my daughter and my son. He is 15, he is innocent. I am begging everyone in Jamaica to stop the crime and violence, please. All I wanted to do was to save him after l saw the blood from his chest. He is an innocent boy," Marshall told THE WEEKEND STAR.
The police have taken a 16-year-old in custody in connection with the murder. His arrest, however, cannot erase the pain being felt by his family members.
Marshall feels their pain. He said that everyone at the hospital broke down when his mother arrived and saw the body of her son.
"She was trying to raise her son from the dead, like what Jesus Christ did. She was calling his name and saying get up and walk, and l felt that. I had to hug her up and whispered in her ears to be strong," he said.
The distraught mother said she appreciates the Good Samaritan's efforts to save her son.
"I thank him for what he did. He did his very best, because who knows what would have happened to my son if no one stopped to assist him," she said.
However, Marshall said he felt broken.
"l spoke to her last night (Wednesday) and gave her my condolences. She gave me her thanks but l don't feel thankful,. feel numb. For a phone? They killed him for a phone? Life don't mean something?! Oh God!"
"I have never, ever experienced anything like this and it has opened my eyes because after that l called my child and told her if someone stick you up and yuh have a phone give them what you have and daddy will buy it back. When l reached home l gave her a big hug and told her how much l loved her. This opened my eyes to see how important your kids are to you, or how easily you can lose someone you love," he said.