Man taken to court for three ‘jackets’
John Brown*, who in 2021 found out that three of the four children who called him 'daddy' were not his, said he is being taken to court by the children's mother.
"I received a summons [last week] from her to go to court for maintenance of the kids dem, the same kids that aren't mine. All of this just leave mi with so much pain, hurt, trauma and depression, because I have been trying to get over this, and see it come up back again, and it really bring back some terrible memories," he said.
Brown's story was first published in THE STAR in 2021. Brown said even though a DNA test confirmed that he did not father the first three children, he was, until recently, providing lunch money for the eldest.
"One of the big girls use to come and collect her lunch money same way although she is not mine. But, about two months ago she stopped coming. More than one time I make to go by where she lives to give her lunch money, but her mother man attack me and stab after me with an ice pick. So I don't go back 'round that area. I am not even getting a chance to see the one that is mine; and now I get summons for child maintenance," Brown said.
He is scheduled to attend the court hearing next month. He said he will be taking the DNA results, but he cannot understand why the woman with whom he shared 18 years of his life is doing this.
"I have invested millions in those children and all my time and effort has been in vain. I have all that bad memories to live with for the rest of my life," Brown said. "I cannot father those kids any more, because they are not mine. So what she need to do is find their fathers, because the children need their right fathers, and settle it with them. I need time to heal myself, so I want her to leave me alone. All I want is my child to take care of and raise her, but the woman not even allowing me to do that."
*name changed to protect identity.