3D Finale for Dexter Pottinger - Designer gets red carpet send-off

October 24, 2017
The urn with Pottinger's ashes had a prominent place in the event.
Make-up artiste O'niel Baugh was fashionable in his abstract print shorts and red jacket for Dexter Pottinger's Red Carpet Gala.
Celebrating the life of designer Dexter Pottinger are (from left) Donna Smith, godmotherter; Samantha Ennis, friend of the family; Gary Pottinger, father; and Nadine Willoughby.
From left: Julian Sampson, Javis Brown and Lesean Grant step on the red carpet at 3D Finale in Zara branded outfits.
All styled out in jockey boots, Kevin Grant came to 3D Finale to pay his respects to designer, Dexter Pottinger.
Recording Artiste, Riki Simmonds of GeeJam Music gave a sultry tribute to Dexter Pottinger.

The life of Dexter '3D' Pottinger, gifted designer and fashion consultant to many of Jamaican entertainers, was celebrated on Sunday.

The red-carpet event was held at Struan Castle in Stony Hill.

Though not many guests followed the avant-garde dress code for the most part, the theme for the day was cheerful colours and the designer's favourite, red.

The gardens were decorated with some of Pottinger's personal pieces and a beautiful Buddhist-type sanctuary created to hold his urn within the gazebo.

Individuals took their time to sign the guest book and view the urn before the main event began.

Special tributes were made by The Ashe Company; Deiwght Peters, CEO of Saints International; Karen Clarke, CEO of An Elegant Affair Event Management; as well as special performances by singers Jordan Jarrett and GeeJam Music's Riki Simmonds.

Entertainers and socialites present were overwhelmed with emotion but agreed that the video eulogy, which comprised stories told by the designer's friends and family, summed up the person he was and what he meant to all.

The ceremony closed with words from Reverend Dr Phyllis Green and special thanks from Pottinger's siblings. An after-party ensued, with persons opting to socialise and share memories of Pottinger.

However, Pottinger's mother, Estrie Williams, who spent most of the event in tears, decided to celebrate in dance.

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