JFB to inspect Rockfort hydrants

April 04, 2022
Firefighters were forced to travel miles to get water from a working hydrant as they tried to battle a bush fire last week.
Firefighters were forced to travel miles to get water from a working hydrant as they tried to battle a bush fire last week.

The Jamaica Fire Brigade (JFB) will be conducting an inspection of hydrants in the Rockfort area of Kingston after personnel had difficulties battling a bush fire last week.

Rollington Town firefighters had to drive about seven minutes away from the blaze to refill their trucks as at least five hydrants that were close by were not functioning.

In a performance audit of the JFB in 2014, Auditor General Pamela Monroe Ellis found that 37 per cent of the island's 13,207 fire hydrants were defective or without water, impairing the JFB's ability to effectively respond to emergencies. Kerry-Gayle Forbes, the public relations officer for the JFB, said they are currently remapping in order to have a total tally of the hydrants that are in the island.

"Some hydrants were newly installed, others were replaced and others have been removed. What we are doing now is creating a database so that if we should get a report we can ascertain the exact location of the hydrant by going on the map and do a directional search," he said. "If you are in your community and you see a hydrant leaking or it appears to be not working, call the closest fire station and report it. We are currently in the Red Hills area doing servicing and repair."


Forbes said he is also encouraging persons to desist from the slash and burn farming technique.

"We have had several campaigns that teach farmers and other persons that deal with farming about alternatives to slash and burning," he said, noting that composting and mulching are safer. "We are in a very windy season and this will cause spark fire. A spark can travel up to a mile and start a fire," he said.

Under the Country Fires Act, persons who intend to set fire to trash on any land, must give seven days prior notice to the officer or sub-officer in charge of the nearest police station and the occupiers of all adjoining lands within a half-mile radius. Persons are also required to clear open space of at least 15 feet in width around the material to be burnt and remove all inflammable material.

Night fires [between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.] are illegal, while anyone who leaves any open air fire unattended, before it is thoroughly extinguished, is also guilty of a breach.

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