I am seeking somewhere to stay


August 18, 2016

Dear Pastor,

I'm 18 years old and I just finished high school. I'm awaiting my Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate results. The problem I am having now is that I don't have anywhere to stay.

I want to continue my education in Jamaica, but where I am living is not really fit for me. There is no bathroom or running water. My parents do not know anyone to allow me to stay with and continue my dreams of going to college.

My grandma is filing for me so I hope I get through, but while waiting I have nowhere fit to stay. I do not have relatives that are able to take me in. I don't really come from a rich family, Pastor.

So I'm asking if you know anyone who would be willing to take me; in St Ann mostly, or anywhere, preferably a female.

Pastor, I don't want to stay in this unfit house anymore. The only plan I have is to get a job and rent somewhere, but I just left high school so I don't really have any experience that would qualify me for a well-paid job for my age.

Pastor, please let me know if you can help. May God bless you and your family. Thank you.


Dear K.P.

I am pleased to hear that your parents are willing to send you back to school. Evidently, you come from a very ambitious family.

I understand your situation and I pray that the good Lord will answer your prayers by laying it on the heart of someone to help you.

You have not said what type of career you would like to pursue.

You did not say whether you are a Christian. If anyone is willing to help you, I will contact you immediately.


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